Kenya Koguta Bookfeeding


The first Bookfeeding library in Kenya was finished in April 2015. Ndori is a tiny village situated in the Koguta area near the famous lake Victoria, in Kenya. The closest town is Sondu which is about 7km away, the closest library is about 100km away.

The first Bookfeeding library in Kenya was finished in April 2015. Ndori is a tiny village situated in the Koguta area near the famous lake Victoria, in Kenya. The closest town is Sondu which is about 7km away, the closest library is about 100 km away. As most of the people in this area are farmers with only basic education, it is difficult for locals to get access to higher education and to more information. The Bookfeeding library is here to change that!

The building for this library was donated by the brilliant Madam Tina. This Bookfeeding library is located in a big three-story building. In 2015 we built new staircases and floors, fixed the roof and plastered the walls, painted and decorated the building, and even built a room for volunteers. The library is now open to everyone and people of all ages and professions are coming to borrow books or read inside the library.

The library is generally open every day. Students and adults can borrow books to take home, and have three weeks to read it. The electrification of the library happened in 2016. Our next plan is to rennovate the building again and give it a fresher look. There is always a space for improvement!

Interested in volunteering here?

Accommodation is provided by Madam Tina Kio and her family, who own the library property. Volunteers will be expected to make a financial contribution towards food of approximately 10euros/week. Volunteers will teach English and basic IT skills, organize dance workshops, organise clean-ups, participate in light agriculture work, educate kids about reproductive and sexual health, library management, sports.

People at the Project


Madam Tina

Madam Tina is a lovely, strong lady who likes to act as a mother to all; Apart from her own children (some of which are adopted), she took her sister's kids in too. Yet she still finds the time to take care of the volunteers as well. The ever so friendly lady is always concerned about their well-being. She will cook for you and will constantly ask you to sit down and relax. Madam Tina really is ready to help whenever she can and is respected by everyone.

  • Current Needs: /

  • Established: April 2015

  • Languages: Swahili, English, Luo

  • Accepting volunteers: Yes



Bookfeeding Project
St. Hyrine Preparatory
P.O BOX 40109-238